Griffin. Trainee Guide dog RIP. 12th July 2018 – 27th May 2020 Loved by everyone who met him, he lived life to the full although to be honest he did enjoy a nap in the strangest of places and positions. He’ll be missed. After 2 minutes with his mate Des and bit of rough and tumble. Any leg will do. Bearsted Woodland Trust. Bluebells. Fast asleep, happy as larry. Good boy. Griffin loved being outdoors. Griffin's normal sleeping position. He also loved it when it was not so nice out there. I'm sure he was Golden. He liked treats from Caroline. He loved jumping this log. He loved the blossoms. Hover dog. IMG 9114 IMG 9280 IMG 9467 IMG 9771 IMG 9773 Jump logs, jump dogs; it's all the same. Launch Control activated. Legs akimbo snoozing. More toy hospital repairs. Muddy on his free run. Nap time. Nap time. Outside Tescos whilst we chatted to friends. Proud. Sleep anywhere even on the bottom Step when Caroline is upstairs. Sleeping position 436. Snoozing with his favourite toys. Top of the hill during lockdown. Toy Hospital monitoring the patient. Went to pick him up from School and Martin his trainer was in the pen doing his paperwork. It looks like Griffin is being read a bedtime story. When Griffin met Des (who was a trainee but failed). When Griffin met Gordon the working Guide Dog for a free run. Whitehorse woods. When he met Des (the failed trainee Guide Dog). Snoring when contented. His favourite bit for running to me. Griffin testing his launch control in slow motion. When he first met Louie and Archie. Lockdown battle. We find out how his toys need regular maintenance. In the flowers at Bearsted Woodland Trust Slow mo launch in the flowers. Runs to Caroline and then onto me. Bearsted. Watch out; he’s coming. The very last picture I took of Griffin, sadly about 30 minutes before he passed.