Des isn’t a very good programmer, he likes to think he is but he just follows the mouse about.
He likes watching Crufts. In fact he likes watching almost any animals on the tv or laptop.
================= Below this point is what we fed back to Guide Dogs during his boarding to show some of his issues=======.
Completely changed his morning. Spent in the pen, then was fed outside on his way back in.
After this video finishes – Caroline took him out the back to spend again, then took him all the way round the house and straight into the car (several attempts). He normally comes back inside then we have the challenge of getting him to go out the front door.
This mornings attempt – but with a new toy as enticement.
As you can see this morning; he’s not up for school.
I’m not saying he’s lethargic but I’ll let you make your own mind up.
Then we’ll have two minutes of madness.
Then it’s off to his bed for a little nappet.
Then into the garden.