Tracey Post date November 16, 2020 145641058 10159053882483428 409001714004149481 o 148658941 10159078088858428 7769479681214498130 o Another busy day at school Anyone would think she's been promised a treat. Autumn 2020 Bella (Red collar) and Tracey (Balck and White collar) Bella and Tracey Busy day at school. Again. Close up. Drinking out of muddy puddles - oh no. Helping Caroline with the puzzle. Home schooling during the Covid lockdown. I like Donuts IMG 1676 In the back of the truck after a free run and a swim in the stream. In the leaves from our gum tree. Just making sure I was getting the packages out of the house. Likes the snow. One of her favourite positions. Overlooking Maidstone with her running partner Bella. Partners in crime - Bella , a working Guide Dog on the right with the Bells. She likes a crotch. Sleep anywhere. Studying hard at school That's a big nose. Tracey and Bella on the North Downs. Tracey and Bella on their usual Sunday run. Tracey attempts to jump the log. Tracey coming home on day 1. Tracey in the heath woods. Tracey perched on the back of the truck. What makes you think I've been drinking out of the muddy puddles. With her playmate Bella on the left. ← TVR Le Mans 2005 → Fuzz